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sábado, 4 de julho de 2009
quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009
Prime Minister of Bahia

Romildo claiming that "it reminded some religion." Pastor Teodoro car but never had nevertheless spent a lifetime turning the cities that constitute the field, taking care of the flock that God had given him. In 1973, already very ill, handed the field to the Convention in El Salvador and moved away from work, being with the children in Itabuna. Previously received a salary adjusted with the pastor Rodrigo SanEx-deacon of the Baptist Church, Teodoro Santana was established by Otto Nelson, the first pastor of the Assembly of God in Bahia. Teodoro Santana Feliciano was born on January 7, 1888, in Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, and was the son of José Feliciano Maria Feliciano and Santana de Jesus, Baptists believers. In 1910 Theodore accepted the Lord Jesus, and May 13, 1913, was baptized in water.
In four December 1914 he married Rosa Maria Damasceno. Unfortunately, to know when it was separate to the diaconate in the Baptist Church - faith to embrace. Effectively served as deacon to the Lord until 1924, when they accepted the Pentecostal message brought by Sister Joaquina de Belém Carvalho. In November 1925, a cult of wakefulness, received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. In 1928 Teodoro Santana was in Alagoas for several months and more in Pernambuco, where under the guidance of Pastor Otto Nelson safe, preparing for the holy ministry.
On October 12, 1929, the missionaries and Adina Otto held the dream of the brothers know Bahians, Canavieiras coming in for a big event on the 13th, at the invitation of Teodoro Santana. The expectation was huge, because everyone wanted to know about this bulwark of the faith - the couple Nelson. At the end of the party the former Baptist church deacon, who with other brothers had been disconnected from its mother church, received a gift of the Lord: Otto, the guidance of God, establishes the deacon Teodoro and appointing the first pastor of the Assembly of God in Bahia.
The field
Established in Canavieiras, Theodore began to evangelize and to train the field where they work throughout their lives. Came to help in the early work in Itabuna, Jacinto went through and worked for some time in Almenara, both in Minas Gerais, on the river Jequitinhonha. Soon after focus was definitely the work of evangelization in Canavieiras and neighboring counties, thus forming a broad scope covering the current municipalities of Belmonte, Itapebi, Mascot, Pau Brazil, Camacã, Santa Luzia, Arataca, Jussarö and Una, and the districts of Itaimbé (in Potiraguá) and Palmira (in Itaju of Cologne). The headquarters of the field was always in Canavieiras, until 1973.
Jacaranda in the district of the work of evangelization has strong opposition, even from other denominations. It is said that as the evangelical work not thrive there, the pastor Teodoro cursed the place, that does not last and would disappear. Later, with the opening of the highway linking the Canavieiras Camacã, began to be formed the village of Santa Luzia. Jacaranda ceased to exist as a village pastor and the word was fulfilled. Already the congregation started in San Pedro River, Santa Luzia, although in rural and prospered, until today, we firmly believe in Jesus are that generation.
In 1941 John Doe Bonfim has become the Lord. Later the pastor Theodore has the evangelist, is the only one in the entire field. Teodoro, widower of Rosa Maria, and with the children and Abner Aydée, married again after some time. Now with Romana Santana, who changed the name to Romana tana until, on 21 September 1977 to 89 years, was resting in the celestial paradise, awaiting the resurrection of the saints to come, finally, in glory everlasting.
In four December 1914 he married Rosa Maria Damasceno. Unfortunately, to know when it was separate to the diaconate in the Baptist Church - faith to embrace. Effectively served as deacon to the Lord until 1924, when they accepted the Pentecostal message brought by Sister Joaquina de Belém Carvalho. In November 1925, a cult of wakefulness, received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. In 1928 Teodoro Santana was in Alagoas for several months and more in Pernambuco, where under the guidance of Pastor Otto Nelson safe, preparing for the holy ministry.
On October 12, 1929, the missionaries and Adina Otto held the dream of the brothers know Bahians, Canavieiras coming in for a big event on the 13th, at the invitation of Teodoro Santana. The expectation was huge, because everyone wanted to know about this bulwark of the faith - the couple Nelson. At the end of the party the former Baptist church deacon, who with other brothers had been disconnected from its mother church, received a gift of the Lord: Otto, the guidance of God, establishes the deacon Teodoro and appointing the first pastor of the Assembly of God in Bahia.
The field
Established in Canavieiras, Theodore began to evangelize and to train the field where they work throughout their lives. Came to help in the early work in Itabuna, Jacinto went through and worked for some time in Almenara, both in Minas Gerais, on the river Jequitinhonha. Soon after focus was definitely the work of evangelization in Canavieiras and neighboring counties, thus forming a broad scope covering the current municipalities of Belmonte, Itapebi, Mascot, Pau Brazil, Camacã, Santa Luzia, Arataca, Jussarö and Una, and the districts of Itaimbé (in Potiraguá) and Palmira (in Itaju of Cologne). The headquarters of the field was always in Canavieiras, until 1973.
Jacaranda in the district of the work of evangelization has strong opposition, even from other denominations. It is said that as the evangelical work not thrive there, the pastor Teodoro cursed the place, that does not last and would disappear. Later, with the opening of the highway linking the Canavieiras Camacã, began to be formed the village of Santa Luzia. Jacaranda ceased to exist as a village pastor and the word was fulfilled. Already the congregation started in San Pedro River, Santa Luzia, although in rural and prospered, until today, we firmly believe in Jesus are that generation.
In 1941 John Doe Bonfim has become the Lord. Later the pastor Theodore has the evangelist, is the only one in the entire field. Teodoro, widower of Rosa Maria, and with the children and Abner Aydée, married again after some time. Now with Romana Santana, who changed the name to Romana tana until, on 21 September 1977 to 89 years, was resting in the celestial paradise, awaiting the resurrection of the saints to come, finally, in glory everlasting.
Our History in Bahia

Other missionaries arrived in Brazil. Among them was Otto Nelson, founder of the Assembly of God in the state of Bahia. The missionary Nelson arrived in Bethlehem on October 25, 1914, newly married to Adina Nelson Patterson, willing to learn the English language - which has in a short time - by going to Alagoas, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro with the aim of preach the Gospel. Submitted by Gunnar Vingren missionary, the couple arrived in Nelson Maceió (AL) on 25 August 1915, founding the Church Assembly of God with only seven people. In 1918 went to Recife (PE) and performed the baptism in the waters of three new brothers, identifying himself more with the people of northeastern and filling up of compassion for lost souls.
Of Para to Bahia
Well before 1924, his sister Joaquina Carvalho and her husband José Clodoaldo, Baptists believers were persecuted by men without the fear of God, in the river Salsa in the city known as "The Web", where all living relatives of Sister Joaquina. The men tied the brother Clodoaldo on a pole next to it and made a big bonfire. Amid the flames, he said: "O Jesus! O Jesus! "And the Lord heard, sending people in their distress. Disgusted with what happened, José decided to switch to Clodoaldo Pará, with his wife. She left in "The Web" Manoel his brothers, John, Rita (Ritinha), Agnes and Maria Paulina Mendes - married to the Portuguese Christopher Gomes (grandparents of his brother Eliezer Gomes, presbyter of the Church of Canavieiras for many years and one of the first Bahia to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit).
Later, already in Pará, the couple accepted the Pentecost who was being preached by missionaries Vingren and Berg. Baptized with the Holy Spirit, his sister Joaquina began to repeatedly ask God to give him able to return to Bahia to preach the Pentecostal message to relatives. Once the Lord showed him in a vision, a path full of stones and all she heard a voice saying: "What are you doing in Egypt?" So she felt that it was not yet the time of your journey. Some time later the Lord showed him the same way, but this time it was so clear it seemed to have been swept in particular that she move. The sister felt then that it was the time. She took a stay of the missionary Otto Nelson in Bethlehem, and with it brought the Pentecostal message to relatives in Bahia.
Arriving in Canavieiras, Joaquina and Otto went to "The Web", where relatives lived the sister. The message was well received and believed her victory, Edvirgens, Isidoro (plus wife and a daughter), and Rita and Inês Mendes, married to Antonio Correia. This was the greatest persecutor of the early work, including closing the congregation of "The Web" which met the brothers who had believed in the Pentecostal message, and shoo the small group outside the farm. It is said that a brother had a vision in which someone puxava an endless rope behind the smoke of Satan, and never finished pulling. It is said that Antonio Correia died very thin, eating mud and smoke of rope. The mother claimed, but no way: he continued to eat mud and smoke, in fulfilling the vision of smoke taken from Satan.
The message is well received
From "The Web" Joaquina and Otto Nelson declined to Boca's Creek, a village on the left bank Jequitinhonha, municipality of Belmonte. There, other people also believed in the message and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, including the Santana and José Feliciano Maria Feliciano de Jesus (parents of Teodoro Santana), Rosa Damasceno (future wife of Theodore), and brother Jerome Adonília Ramos, son of Rita Mendes.
From the mouth of the stream rose farm Geneva where, at the time, lived his brother Purcino Gomes and his wife Maria Paulina (Baptists believe parents and brother of Eliezer Gomes). The farm Geneva was a small piece of land purchased by a brother Purcino Sesmarias of the same name, owned by an immigrant alien, George Müller, and administered by Louis Felix Larchert. This was the son of Felix Larchert French, who had a sawmill and wood sold in the region. One day, when descending with a load of wood for Canavieiras, suddenly fell ill, died in that city and is buried there. His wife, Felismina Loureiro, grief, moved to the Rio de Janeiro taking his son, Louis Félix Larchert, and never be heard news of them. One of the descendants of Aryan Felismina was Loureiro (now deceased), farmer in the region of Poxim in Canavieiras. Another son of Felismina, John Felix Larchert, was in Geneva farm. He and the children Diocleta, Maria, Gervalina and Zózimo Larchert were Presbyterians. Mary and Gervalina married with children of his brother Purcino Gomes: Domingos Mendes with the first and the second with Eliezer Gomes. Diocleta centenary died and without accepting the Pentecost. Zózimo accepted, but later joined the movement called "The Restoration", which remained until death.
When Otto Nelson began preaching faced much resistance. Sister Adonília Ramos says the missionary Nelson began the message generally speaking in tongues and, in the room of the house, the children of the Purcino brother - who were Baptists - were sound and make fun of preaching. Once, when required to go to Boca Córrego buy food, instead of putting a saddle on the animal have a shoulder yoke (one seat more rustic and hard) in order to humiliate the missionary. But after hearing the message, believed and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit: Paulina Maria de Carvalho, Maria Ramos, Jose Ramos, Eliezer Gomes de Carvalho, Maria da Pena and Baldoína Carvalho. Later, Joaquina Carvalho and Otto Nelson went to Salvador, then Bethlehem, where his sister lived, and she never appeared in Bahia. But the seed germinated launched by Joaquina, making a broad emerging field that lasts until the present day, producing more and more fruit, for which she will receive awards in eternity.
At the end of 1926 had 20 brothers baptized with the Holy Spirit and Otto Nelson lost no time, immediately sent the pastor Joao Pedro da Silva, faithful companion, who served as an itinerant worker in the states of Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia. In the same year came Canavieiras to take account of the work in the new Pentecostal community and make the first baptisms in 1927. This good news was taken to Otto that, moving the heart to Bahia, remained the pastor John Peter in the interior several trips, getting to perform various cults in Salvador, but not on any record in the conversion of someone. Pastor John Pedro was still some time here, sometimes going to the farm and Geneva, from 1928 to 1929, remained in Ribeira (BA), distant town a day trip to Salto Grande, Salto today's currency, in Minas Gerais. Once the pastor John Peter told the brothers that the Ribeira it was strange because when I was in their land, often by those contemplating houses covered with bark of trees and even an orchard that there existed, in visions. Later, when there was, immediately recognized the place. In 1930 the pastor John Peter finally went to Vitória (ES), the first pastor to see the work that had little time, had been opened there. In Bahia, a sister had a vision in which an angel carrying a huge fish. John felt that his brother Pedro would go to the Lord, what happened in Victoria
Of Para to Bahia
Well before 1924, his sister Joaquina Carvalho and her husband José Clodoaldo, Baptists believers were persecuted by men without the fear of God, in the river Salsa in the city known as "The Web", where all living relatives of Sister Joaquina. The men tied the brother Clodoaldo on a pole next to it and made a big bonfire. Amid the flames, he said: "O Jesus! O Jesus! "And the Lord heard, sending people in their distress. Disgusted with what happened, José decided to switch to Clodoaldo Pará, with his wife. She left in "The Web" Manoel his brothers, John, Rita (Ritinha), Agnes and Maria Paulina Mendes - married to the Portuguese Christopher Gomes (grandparents of his brother Eliezer Gomes, presbyter of the Church of Canavieiras for many years and one of the first Bahia to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit).
Later, already in Pará, the couple accepted the Pentecost who was being preached by missionaries Vingren and Berg. Baptized with the Holy Spirit, his sister Joaquina began to repeatedly ask God to give him able to return to Bahia to preach the Pentecostal message to relatives. Once the Lord showed him in a vision, a path full of stones and all she heard a voice saying: "What are you doing in Egypt?" So she felt that it was not yet the time of your journey. Some time later the Lord showed him the same way, but this time it was so clear it seemed to have been swept in particular that she move. The sister felt then that it was the time. She took a stay of the missionary Otto Nelson in Bethlehem, and with it brought the Pentecostal message to relatives in Bahia.
Arriving in Canavieiras, Joaquina and Otto went to "The Web", where relatives lived the sister. The message was well received and believed her victory, Edvirgens, Isidoro (plus wife and a daughter), and Rita and Inês Mendes, married to Antonio Correia. This was the greatest persecutor of the early work, including closing the congregation of "The Web" which met the brothers who had believed in the Pentecostal message, and shoo the small group outside the farm. It is said that a brother had a vision in which someone puxava an endless rope behind the smoke of Satan, and never finished pulling. It is said that Antonio Correia died very thin, eating mud and smoke of rope. The mother claimed, but no way: he continued to eat mud and smoke, in fulfilling the vision of smoke taken from Satan.
The message is well received
From "The Web" Joaquina and Otto Nelson declined to Boca's Creek, a village on the left bank Jequitinhonha, municipality of Belmonte. There, other people also believed in the message and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, including the Santana and José Feliciano Maria Feliciano de Jesus (parents of Teodoro Santana), Rosa Damasceno (future wife of Theodore), and brother Jerome Adonília Ramos, son of Rita Mendes.
From the mouth of the stream rose farm Geneva where, at the time, lived his brother Purcino Gomes and his wife Maria Paulina (Baptists believe parents and brother of Eliezer Gomes). The farm Geneva was a small piece of land purchased by a brother Purcino Sesmarias of the same name, owned by an immigrant alien, George Müller, and administered by Louis Felix Larchert. This was the son of Felix Larchert French, who had a sawmill and wood sold in the region. One day, when descending with a load of wood for Canavieiras, suddenly fell ill, died in that city and is buried there. His wife, Felismina Loureiro, grief, moved to the Rio de Janeiro taking his son, Louis Félix Larchert, and never be heard news of them. One of the descendants of Aryan Felismina was Loureiro (now deceased), farmer in the region of Poxim in Canavieiras. Another son of Felismina, John Felix Larchert, was in Geneva farm. He and the children Diocleta, Maria, Gervalina and Zózimo Larchert were Presbyterians. Mary and Gervalina married with children of his brother Purcino Gomes: Domingos Mendes with the first and the second with Eliezer Gomes. Diocleta centenary died and without accepting the Pentecost. Zózimo accepted, but later joined the movement called "The Restoration", which remained until death.
When Otto Nelson began preaching faced much resistance. Sister Adonília Ramos says the missionary Nelson began the message generally speaking in tongues and, in the room of the house, the children of the Purcino brother - who were Baptists - were sound and make fun of preaching. Once, when required to go to Boca Córrego buy food, instead of putting a saddle on the animal have a shoulder yoke (one seat more rustic and hard) in order to humiliate the missionary. But after hearing the message, believed and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit: Paulina Maria de Carvalho, Maria Ramos, Jose Ramos, Eliezer Gomes de Carvalho, Maria da Pena and Baldoína Carvalho. Later, Joaquina Carvalho and Otto Nelson went to Salvador, then Bethlehem, where his sister lived, and she never appeared in Bahia. But the seed germinated launched by Joaquina, making a broad emerging field that lasts until the present day, producing more and more fruit, for which she will receive awards in eternity.
At the end of 1926 had 20 brothers baptized with the Holy Spirit and Otto Nelson lost no time, immediately sent the pastor Joao Pedro da Silva, faithful companion, who served as an itinerant worker in the states of Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia. In the same year came Canavieiras to take account of the work in the new Pentecostal community and make the first baptisms in 1927. This good news was taken to Otto that, moving the heart to Bahia, remained the pastor John Peter in the interior several trips, getting to perform various cults in Salvador, but not on any record in the conversion of someone. Pastor John Pedro was still some time here, sometimes going to the farm and Geneva, from 1928 to 1929, remained in Ribeira (BA), distant town a day trip to Salto Grande, Salto today's currency, in Minas Gerais. Once the pastor John Peter told the brothers that the Ribeira it was strange because when I was in their land, often by those contemplating houses covered with bark of trees and even an orchard that there existed, in visions. Later, when there was, immediately recognized the place. In 1930 the pastor John Peter finally went to Vitória (ES), the first pastor to see the work that had little time, had been opened there. In Bahia, a sister had a vision in which an angel carrying a huge fish. John felt that his brother Pedro would go to the Lord, what happened in Victoria
Otto Nelson, founder of the Assembly of God in the state of Bahia. The
missionary Nelson arrived at Bethlehem on October 25, 1914, recémcasado
with Adina Nelson Patterson, willing to learn the English language
- Which has in a short time - by going to Alagoas, Bahia and Rio de
missionary Nelson arrived at Bethlehem on October 25, 1914, recémcasado
with Adina Nelson Patterson, willing to learn the English language
- Which has in a short time - by going to Alagoas, Bahia and Rio de
FIRST CONVERSION - Very little is known about the first
Christian Assembly of God, in His name was Salvador Heliodoro was
descended from African and spent the last years of life as the guest
Boqueirão in church next to the wife. Heliodoro accepted Jesus in the 28th
May 1930, during the second worship conducted by the Nelson family
Christian Assembly of God, in His name was Salvador Heliodoro was
descended from African and spent the last years of life as the guest
Boqueirão in church next to the wife. Heliodoro accepted Jesus in the 28th
May 1930, during the second worship conducted by the Nelson family
terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
History of Assembly of God in Brazil

History of Assembly of God in Brazil Assembly of God came to Brazil through the Swedish missionaries Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren, supporting that in Belém, capital of Pará State, on November 19, 1910, from the U.S.. In principle, attended the Baptist Church, a denomination that both belonged in the United States. They brought the doctrine of baptism in the Holy Spirit with glossolalia - speaking in a foreign language - as the initial evidence of the event for fans of the movement. The manifestation of the phenomenon was already occurring in several meetings of prayer in the U.S. (and also in isolation in other countries), especially those that were conducted by Charles Fox Parham, but had its initial height by one of his main disciples, a pastor black layman, named William Joseph Seymour, the Azusa Street, Los Angeles, in 1906. The new doctrine has brought much difference. While one group joined the other rejected. Thus, in two separate assemblies, as reported the minutes of meetings, supporters of Pentecostalism were off and on 18 June 1911, along with foreign missionaries, and founded a new church adopted the name of the Apostolic Faith Mission, which was employed by the movement of Los Angeles but without any administrative ties with William Joseph Seymour. From then on, began to meet in the home of Celina de Albuquerque. Later, on January 18, 1918 the new church, the suggestion Vingren of Gunnar, has called the Assembly of God, because the founding of the Assemblies of God in the United States in 1914, in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but again, without any institutional link between the two churches. The Assembly of God in Brazil expanded by the State of Pará, reached the Amazon, spread to the Northeast, mainly among the poorest. Reached the southeast of the elderly in 1922 by families of retirantes Pará, which is carried as voluntary instruments to establish the new name where they came. This year, the church began in Rio de Janeiro, in the district of Saint Kitts and gained momentum with the transfer of Gunnar Vingren, of Bethlehem, PA, in 1924, the then capital of the Republic. A fact that was the church in that period was the conversion of Paul Leivas Macalão, son of a general, through an evangelistic leaflet. He was the precursor of the well known Ministry of Madureira, as we shall see below. The Swedish influence was strong in the weight training assembleiana Brazil, because of the nationality of its founders, and by the Scandinavian Pentecostal church, especially the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm, who has taken the following years the maintenance of Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren sent other missionaries to support new members in their role to grow the new church. Since 1930, when they held a council of the church in Natal, RN, the Assembly of God in Brazil started to have internal autonomy, and administered exclusively by the resident pastors in Brazil, without losing the fraternal ties with the church in Sweden. From 1936 the church had a greater cooperation of the Assemblies of God U.S. missionaries sent by the country, which are involved in more directly with the theological structure of the name. Denominational organization The Assemblies of God are organized as a tree, where each ministry is the church-affiliated with their respective headquarters, congregations and preaching points of. The administration system is a mix between the system and the system Congregational Episcopal, where the subjects are treated by the ministry, with strong influence of pastoral leadership, and are then taken to the Assembly to be voted. The pastors of the Assemblies of God may be linked to state conventions, which, in turn, is linked to a convention of a national character. General Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil The CGADB has headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, is considered the trunk of the name as the entity from the principle that body has the organizational church, and who belongs to patent the name in the country. The CGADB today has about 3.5 million members throughout the country (data from ISER) and hundreds of missionaries around the world. The CGADB owns the publishing house of the Assemblies of God - CPAD, based in Rio de Janeiro, which serves a significant portion of Brazilian evangelical community. CGADB also belongs to the Evangelical School of Technology, Science and Biotechnology - FAECAD, based in the same state, which offers the following course at higher level: Administration, International Business, Marketing, Theology and Law. The CGADB consists of several state and regional conventions, and various ministries. Some ministries grew so that they became de facto names, with their congregations over the areas of coverage of the regional conventions. Among the major ministries out the Ministry of Bethlehem, which has about 1,000 churches concentrated in central-south and headquartered in the District Belenzinho in São Paulo and is currently (2007) chaired by Wellington pastor José Bezerra da Costa, who also leads the CGADB. In the policy area, 21 federal deputies are members of the Assemblies of God and represent institutionally from the public authorities on matters of interest to the denomination, supervised by the Political Council of National Assemblies of God in Brazil, headquartered in Brasilia, DF, that coordinates the whole CGADB the political process. Furthermore, about 27 state members, more than a hundred mayors and councilors about 1000, all under the seal of churches linked to CGADB. Since the 1980s, for administrative reasons, the Brazilian Assembly of God has passed through several divisions that led to several conventions and ministries, with autonomous administration in various regions of the country. The most significant ministries of CGADB is independent from the Ministry of Madureira, whose church was already gone from the 1930s, founded by Pastor Paul Leivas Macalão and that in 1958, formed the basis for the structuring of the national Ministry for him chaired, until his death at the end of 1982. National Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil - Ministry of Madureira As the years passed, the pastors of the Ministry of Madureira (well known for having its headquarters in the neighborhood of the same name in Rio de Janeiro), under the leadership of Pastor (now Bishop) Manoel Ferreira, is distance from church rules of CGADB under the leadership of the season, which, therefore, an Extraordinary General Meeting held in Salvador, Bahia, in September 1987, where the pastors have been suspended until we accept the decisions adopted. Why do not agree with the requirements that they were made, were organized into a new entity, now about 2 million members in Brazil and abroad. Thus did the National Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil - Ministry of Madureira - CONAMAD, founded in 1988. Portugal Portugal in the history of Pentecostal denomination is counted from the year 1913. Missionaries were the Portuguese immigrants in Brazil José Plácido da Costa (1913) and José de Matos Caravela (1921) that initiated the actions that resulted in the founding of the Assemblies of God in Portugal. First Assembly of God church in Portugal was founded in the city of Portimão, in 1924, the missionary José de Matos, also responsible for the founding of churches in the Algarve, Lisboa and Alcanhões. From this year, with the help of missionaries and the Swedish effort of Portuguese workers, several other churches were established in several cities, such as Porto in 1930, with the assistance of the Swedish missionary Daniel Berg, Évora, in 1932, by the action of Evangelist Isabel Guerreiro, and Lisbon in 1934, with the help of missionary Jack Hardstedt. The action of the Assemblies of God missionary in Portugal has been the expansion of the church to the overseas territories, such as Angola, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Mozambique and East Timor, which later become independent nations, but remained Assemblies of God churches in national fraternal relationship with the Portuguese coirmãs. In Portugal the main branch is the Convention of the Assemblies of God in Portugal, with nearly 400 churches, the largest Protestant denomination in the country. CADP Besides, there are other names out in Portugal, from Brazilian immigrants or dislike the CADP, which adopt the same name as the Assembly of God Mission, Assemblies of God Universal, the National Convention of the Assemblies of God (60 churches), Church New Life - Assembly of God of Amadora. United States In the United States emerged several independent Pentecostal congregations since fueled the Azuza St, in 1906. Seeking unity, communion among themselves, missionary work and legal organization, some leaders called a convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1914. As a result, there was a membership of nearly 500 ministers and the creation of the General Council of the Assemblies of God (General Council of the Assemblies of God), later based in Springfield (Missouri), Missouri. This church has today, about 2 million members and sends missionaries to various countries around the world. John Ashcroft, U.S. attorney general during the first term of George W. Bush, a member of that denomination. The Assemblies of God have some differences in their coirmã Brazilian: regarding the administration, there is the system of ministries, each local church is autonomous and is not subject to any other entity, but voluntarily grouped themselves into regional presbytery, where there is equality between all and rely on the involvement of lay representatives. The local congregation interview and hire the pastor, which is reviewed and ordered by the General Council. Relating to customs, the Assemblies of God are integrated with American society, allowing, for example, that their women cut their hair and wear trousers. Great Britain and Ireland Organized in 1924, the Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland grew under the influence of pastor Donald Gee. Gathers today some 600 local churches and has a network of missionaries serving in different continents. AGGBI is a feature of the practice of the Holy Supper weekly. Assemblies of God there are still composed of Brazilian and Caribbean immigrants, whose churches do not have relations with AGGBI. Doctrine According to the creed of the Assemblies of God, between the fundamental truths of the name, are the belief: Remaining in one eternal God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; In the verbal inspiration of the Holy Bible, as the only infallible rule of faith normative for Christian life and character; In the virginal conception of Jesus Christ in his death vicária and expiatória, bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven; No sin that the man away from God, a condition that can only be restored through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Rapture of the church members to New Jerusalem very soon with the return of Christ. In need of a new birth by faith in Jesus Christ and the active power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to which man becomes worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; The name the practice baptism by immersion in water of the body, once, in adults, on behalf of the Trinity, the conclusion, systematic and continuous, the Last Supper, and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with initial evidence of speaking in other languages, followed by gifts of the Holy Spirit. Like the majority of Christians, the assembleianos awaiting the second coming of Christ premilenial in two distinct phases: first, the invisible world to grab the true Church on earth, before the great tribulation, and second, visible body and with the Church glorified, to reign over the world for a thousand years, therefore dispensacionalista. Still, that corollary of faith, the assembleianos expected to appear before the Court of Christ, to receive the reward of his record in favor of the cause of Christianity, followed by a life of eternal joy and happiness for believers and torment for the infidels . The liturgy of Worship The worship of the Assembly of God is characterized by prayers, songs (gospel music and traditional gospel hymns), testimonies and preaching, which often occur manifestations of spiritual gifts such as prophecy and worship in languages. Have specific days and times, the principal one on Sunday (the public worship) around 19:00 pm, and Teaching of Bible (the Bible Sunday School, with classes divided by age on Sunday around 09:00 pm. The work is worship and average duration of 02:30 pm and is divided into: Prayer Home - Normally a worker or pastor is a prayer asking the blessing of God. Original songs - using the Harpa Cristã (a booklet of hymns Evangelicals Classics), singing is an average of 03 hymns, and also (not all), after the hymnal, singing other songs are also evangelical. Bible reading words (Or Palvra Introductory) - Currently reading the Bible and words inspired by the Holy Spirit, in which the cult will be taken as a whole based on that stretch. Songs Opportunities for Youth Groups, Children, Women, Sisters, groups and ministries of Praise, and Adolescents. Testimonials Opportunities for States - Moment in which members have what God has changed in their lives today and is doing for them. Preaching and Bible reading - in which a pastor, a member of the local church or a preacher or pastor will be invited to preach (sermon) explaining the Bible passage for the whole church. Call - Call the gospel not to accept Jesus as his sole and sufficient Savior. Closing Song. Final Prayer. Apostolic Blessing Note: Not all the ministries of the Assemblies of God following the liturgy. It is important to remember that today many Assemblies of God take line liturgical context of praise and worship of conduct, and close to liturgies and practiced by the Evangelical Church of New Life in general. Source: www.wikipedia.org Posted by Santiago at 08:53 Agnaldo 3 comments: k @ ti @ n @ said ... PEACE OF THE LORD BROTHER Agnaldo, I love to READ ON THE MATTER ON MY CHURCH (sgd FOR GOD'S MINISTRY OF MADUREIRA) HERE IN YOUR BLOG, I hope to read another to help us MATERIALS AND INCREASING EDIFIQUEM. January 2, 2008 18:13 Faculty of Theology said ... Your Blog is very Blessed! abs! July 15, 2008 06:54 Theological School said ... May God continue to bless your work and build with your post is in Peace! Abs! 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